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Speed of Light in the Qur'an‎

Speed of light.JPG

In an article published in Islami City, Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby claims verse 32:5 reveals that light in one day travels a distance equal to 12,000 lunar orbits, and upon calculating that distance we find the exact speed of light. Verse 32:5 has nothing to do with the speed of light. There is no mention of the moon, light or even distance in this verse. No matter how Dr. Hassab-Elnaby's calculations are viewed, they are mathematically incorrect. Even the notion of measuring the speed of light with the orbit of the Moon or the length of the day is a fallacy. Dr. Hassab-Elnaby also makes many deliberate errors to doctor a scientific miracle, and in his enthusiasm to ascribe miracles to the Qur'an, he discards the concept of Allah's omnipresence. Finally, assuming there really is a miracle in this plagiarized allegory, should not the credit go to the Bible from which it originates? (read more)